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Updated 2023-01-31 by Frank

If you like video games then chances are that you have heard of Playerunknown’s battlegrounds ( PUBG as it is more commonly known ) and as you know in the free-for-all shoot 'em up game you can drive a selection of vehicles if you can find them. Well now thanks to TTRC you can use a scale model of them in real life too! 

Now let's start with a bit of information regarding the manufacturer….. It’s Thunder Tiger! And for those into the hobby this is a pretty big deal because Thunder tiger have not been around for a long long time. Now I do not think this is an attempt at a comeback from Thunder Tiger however it’s great to see their name pop up again.

Now that's out the way let's jump into the unboxing so we can see what we get. 


With the box opined we can finally see the 1/12 4x4 military vehicle along with a basic pistol transmitter and basic instruction manual. Pretty much everything you would expect to see with any budget RTR model. 

The transmitter is similar to the entry level Etronix units so cheap and cheerful, does what it says on the tin kind of deal. It’s only 2 channels and has all the usual steering trim adjustment and channel reverse switches. 

Whilst the body is obviously unlicensed it looks like a russian army jeep and the satin green paint really sets it off in my opinion. The wheels are a 1.55” none beadlock however it uses a standard 12mm hex fitting so these could be changed for beadlocks

You get a USB charger, this is becoming more and more common with entry level RC cars as it’s cost effective and convenient. You also get a bind plug, some basic allen keys and a cross wrench, these are the sort of tools that usually get chucked in the tool box never to be seen again however if you have none of your own then these are handy to have.

The chassis is a ladder chassis much like you get on any RC crawler with very soft shocks meaning you can get some decent articulation, the detachable bumpers and side steps are also a nice touch. You get a 7.4v 850mah Li-Ion battery however the tray in the model is big enough for a standard size 7.4v lipo so that will likely be what I run

The motor is a 380 size brushed motor but whilst small in size it seems enough to power along this little dirt beater, in terms of how reliable it will be I will have to keep you posted on that! Overall on first impression it looks decent, bear in mind that as of writing this article it is under £100 RTR so really even if you don’t like or play the game this is one worth having in the collection. I will be modifying mine very soon so stay tuned if you want to see what I do to it ????


Take a look!!!!