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Basic maintenance


Updated 2022-10-04 by Nicky

General Maintenance After Using Your RC Car


After using your RC car it is always recommended to do maintenance and a number of checks on your car. While this can be a bit tiresome at times (especially in the winter months when it’s cold) it does help the longevity of the parts on your car, it also Negates potential warranty issues due to a lack of maintenance. It is crucial to clean your RC car after using it in wet and dirty conditions and also if you have been using the model on sand! 


Here is a basic guide on what we do after each use with our cars


  • Clean body
  • Clean chassis and suspension etc (use a brush to make sure it gets in tight areas)
  • Spray GT85 on your bearings, suspension items etc 
  • Check for play in wheels and also any potential cracks or splits in the tyre where glued on the rim
  • Check all suspension components are moving freely
  • General tighten up of screws around the car 

When you are using your car without general maintenance like the above, screws and bearings etc could end up seized and create more wear and tear on other components on your car. Usually if anything is likely to be replaced under warranty, the manufacturer will ask to see pics of the general condition of the car which can affect a warranty claim on an item if the car hasn’t been maintained so It is definitely a good idea to keep on top of this.