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What is a steering gyro?


Updated 2022-10-07 by Frank

What is a Gyro?

A gyro is a small electronic module that plugs in between the servo and the reciver and will automatically apply countersteer when the rear of the model starts to step out of line. If the rear of your model steps out to the right the gyro will apply right steering to straighten itself back up. It acts as a stability system for your RC car in short. This means that regardless of the type of model it is fitted to, it will make the car easier to keep going in a straight line on or off road. 

It is worth noting that when you are running a gyro it needs to be fixed in place so that it can not move whilst the model is being used, the gyro needs to be sat towards to front of the model and not rear. As you can see from the image above I run a Sky RC gyro on my TT-01 and I have it firmly mounted towards the front of the top deck.

What is gyro gain? 

Gyro gain adjust how little or how much automated input you get from the servo when the back end of the model becomes twitchy. If you have the gain set high it will apply more countersteer more often. If you have the gain set low you will get less countersteer, less often. It is important to spend time adjusting this when using the model to find the sweet spot that works for your RC car, in general RWD models needs higher gain setting than 4wd models to help keep the model stable. 

Are they worth having? 

Yes, I would definatly recomend them, in fact they are so popular that many models now come with a built in gyro as standard to help the user get the most out of the model.